Wednesday's Snapshots

Day 3 of the Virtual HLF began with a fruitful panel discussion examining how journalists should tackle writing about the black box themes in science without losing the public’s trust or interest. Following the panel, the young researchers took the spotlight during the Poster Session to present their research focus in the Virtual Meeting Hub.

A laureate panel consisting of Vinton Cerf, Alessio Figalli and Efim Zelmanov enjoyed a colorful debate on how scientific exchange and collaboration should proceed the post-COVID-era. This was followed by Joseph Sifakis who explained why it’s so hard to make self-driving cars. In the final session of the day, Raj Reddy unraveled how technology could eliminate lockdowns in the future .


"Do what you enjoy and you be most successful and probably have a bigger impact on the world than if you try to pick something specific." (John Hopcroft, ACM A.M. Turing Award 1986)